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Axolotita Lager
Blanca de Maguey, Mexico
Mandarina Lager
Nochtli, Mexico
Pipí Cucú Maracuyá Agave Highball
Sugoi, Mexico
Type: Brewery

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We are a microbrewery from Mexico City (CDMX) renown for our Cervezas Híbridas that express the great bio-cultural diversity of the Mexican terroir through the use of ingredients typical of its culinary and herbalist culture.

¿Why “Monstruo de Agua”?
Because we were inspired by an amphibian autochthonous to the Valley of Mexico named axolote, Mexican slang for axolotl which in Nahuatl (the Aztec language) literally means “water monster”.

¿Why Mexican ingredients?

Craft beer in Mexico has always been imported styles made from imported malts and hops, we wanted to do things a little differently. With the use of local ingredients and an ethnobotanical approach we search and strive for an authentic Mexican craft beer identity: not just made in Mexico, but made from Mexico. We seek to empower Mexican farmers that follow agroecological-regenerative practices by integrating them into our value chain. This, since we believe that they play a pivotal role in the conservation of our ecosystems. Since 2013
“Monstruo de Agua, Mexican beers made from Mexico.”

El Jardín del Axolote

Our microbrewery is located within the Chichinautzin Biological Corridor at the skirts of the extinct Oyameyo volcano in the south of rural Mexico City. We set up our brewing facilities within an old cottage on a 5,000 m2 plot where we are cultivating an edible forest from which we draw some of our ingredients; we call this space El Jardín del Axolote (The Axolotls Garden). We use purified rain water in the
whole productive process, which is designed to regenerate the soil and to conserve the surrounding natural environment.
“This project is an open invitation to experience the flavors of the Mexican terroir; to seek authenticity and new experiences; to reflect upon the value chains we support, and to regenerate the wild axolotl.”

Picture: Matías Vera-Cruz Dutrenit CEO Colectivo Atl-Xolotl SA de CV
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