
Style: Dry Hopped Pilsner
Birrificio Italiano, Lurago Marinone (CO), Italy

Lorenzo Dabove "Kuaska": Beautiful to look at (it can have a luscious white, creamy head) and taste, Tipopils is quite well-balanced. It has an inviting aroma of malt, fresh hops, banana and yeast, and a dry flavor characterized by an irresistible "bitterness" that turns into a persistent and pleasant bitterish aftertaste. It is the perfect beer to drink in only two moments of the day: at meals and between meals! Tipopils is a "Pilsner" style beer produced by way of infusion, with approximately 5.2% alcohol by volume (15.8 Plato degrees). It has a rather dry, hoppy flavor. After a rather long primary fermentation, it undergoes a short maturation phase of about 2 weeks.

Produced by infusion with Caramunich- and Pilsner-type barley malts, brewed with a popular German bottom-fermenting yeast. German bittering and aromatic hops used both in warm and cold hopping (dry hopping). It is coarsely filtered to remove some of the yeast.

Intense yellow-golden in color, it sports an abundant, fine, thick and persistently lacing white head.
Initial citrus and grassy hop aroma with hints of fresh yeast are immediately followed by flavors of honey and cereal coming from the malts; crowned by floral hints of chamomile and dandelion.

An initial, fleeting, hint of sweetness stikes the palate quickly giving way to a diffused bitterness that tickles your mucous membrane. A lively carbonation and a strong (yet never invasive) body mouthfeel complete Tipopils’ range of sensations.

A flavour one can never get tired of: this is her secret... A beer of great character in its apparent simplicity, its drinkability and low alcohol content often make it impossible to avoid having "one more".

Alc./Vol.: 5.2
Plato: 15.8

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