Style: Smoked Amber
Brasserie Des Franches Montagnes (BFM), Saignelégier, Switzerland
Amber ale brewed with Lapsang Tarry Suchong from China. Lapsang Suchong is a Chinese black tea smoked over pinewood. It is unfiltered, unpasteurized and bottle conditioned.
All the smoothness of smoked malts from Scottish whyskies with a touch of Chinese Lapsong Tarry Suchong tea in our BATS, smoked amber ale.
Malts: Pilsner Malt, Smoked Barley Malt from Bamberg, Germany
Hops: Hallertauer Magnum for the bitterness, and Tettnanger Hallertau for the flavours
Herbs: Lapsong Tarry Suchong from China
Biere Ambree au Tarry Suchong
Alc./Vol.: 6.0
IBU: 25