Style: Metheglin Mead
Makana Meadery, Grahamstown, South Africa
A cultivar of ficus carica, the Cape Fig was spread throughout South Africa in the 1600s and 1700s by early colonists. These trees grew rapidly in the climate, and the fruit of the fig tree was established as a local favorite. Later it was discovered that the leaves of the tree, however, actually held a greater concentration of flavors than the fruit. For this reason, the leaves of the Cape Fig were chosen to blend with the Sweet Mead from the Makana Meadery to create a metheglin (spiced mead) that tastes like honeyed fruit.
Ideal with an assorted cheese selection, iQhilika Cape Fig Mead tempers the sweetness of the honey with the delicious fruit notes of fig to provide a versatile drink suitable both for before- and after-dinner consumption.
IQhilika Cape Fig Mead
Alc./Vol.: 12.0