Style: Specialty Brew
Birrificio Grado Plato, Chieri (TO), Italy
The WeizenTea is an 'ecumenical' beer that unites three different continents through European malts, American hops and Chinese tea. Although the recipe includes both malted wheat and barley and a traditional bavarian weizen yeast strain, it's an atypical weizen it's use of American hops as well as a particularly herbal and refined Chinese green tea added at the end of the boil. The WeizenTea is 4.5% alcohol by volume and is very drinkable and thirst-quenching. It's initial aroma is that of a classic german hefeweizen (banana, cloves, etc), then come forward both herbal and citrus elements that denote a pleasant freshness. On the palate there are these same flavors as the aroma, but with a finish that is less dry and smoother than a classic weizen from the use of the green tea and more characteristic hops than the noble german varieties. The beer is yellow with a light green hue and gently opaque with a full and abundant head that is fine and persistent.
Malts: barley malt , wheat malt
Hops: Amarillo and Cascade hops
Chinese green tea "Chun Mee"
Yeast: Bavarian Wheat Beer yeast
Alc./Vol.: 4.5
Plato: 11.5
IBU: 18