Style: Berliner Weisse,City of Berlin
Brauerei Lemke, Berlin, Berlin, Germany
It was real detective work for Oliver Lemke, owner and bremaster of Brauerei Lemke, to revive the lost recipe of the traditional Berliner Weisse. He graduated at VLB Berlin*** in “Brewing Engineering” and still has strong connections to the faculty. He constantly involves students in his numerous Berliner Weisse fermentation research projects. After two years of research and more than 100 test brews, Berlin got back it’s traditional Berliner Weisse with Historic Three Culture Fermentation.
His Berliner Weisse “Budike” {Berlin slang word derived from the French word for small pub/corner pub “La Boutique” }varieties are fruity, mildly sour, refreshing, balanced, complex and funky - and definitely without syrup!
The fruit was fermented directly with the beer. This ensures great colors and lush flavors: Our Weisse with raspberries is fruity-sour.
Budike Weisse lays on real woodruff. This reveals herbal-tangy notes from woodruff.