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Update on the Kiuchi Brewery
News Release
Date: March 14, 2011

We finally heard from Toshiyuki Kiuchi on Sunday.

1. They are all ok . Kiuchi brewery, in particular the Sake part, was damaged & needs quite a bit of fixing and rebuilding. He will keep us posted.

2. The most damage was caused to Sendai, about 180 miles northeast of Mito. Lots of damage, but more importantly, lots of people missing.

3. Kiuchi brewery is now using their full brewery capacity to bottle water for people who have lost their homes. As you might have read on the internet there is a severe shortage on food & water there. We are extremely proud of Kiuchi Brewery's commitment and fast action to help everyone in need.

4. We are putting together a shipment of special kegs & cases to be shipped to Kiuchi Brewery as soon as possible/appropriate. We want to organize a special event at Kiuchi brewery to raise money for all the people who have lost their homes and loved ones.

Over the next months we will not be able to perfectly serve all our markets with Hitachino Nestbeer. We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our Hitachino customers. But we do believe that all our Hitachino customers will understand & embrace Kiuchi Brewery's societal responsibility and commitment.


Related Producers: Kiuchi Shuzo 1823 Ltd,

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