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New Website
Date: March 6, 2010

We have revamped our entire website!

The base version of our new website runs on a content management system allowing us to post news, products & suppliers much faster! We are just getting started with these systems and will be adding content continuously.

We have added:
- A release calendar
- RSS feeds for the entire site as well as the draft, vintage, & real ale collections.
- Tagged brands by their style to make searching for related products easier
- News scroll bars on the index page and on the draft, vintage, & real ale collection pages.
- CO2 content for of our draft beers **(Most brands so far)
- Categorized our draft beers by pouring difficulty **
- Updated the downloads section

The transition from the old website is not quite at a 100% yet as we are still missing the brewery guides and some images however we are working quickly to move them over.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy the new site.

ETA: Now

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