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Key arguments for Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier
quick info for sales staff and other beer professionals
Date: April 6, 2017
Collections: Beer,

Key arguments for Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier
quick info for sales staff and other beer professionals
With the arrival of more and more so called „craft beers“ in the market, the diversity of brands becomes increasingly difficult to overlook for both consumers and sales staff. Gathering information and knowing the various beer styles and breweries is equally more demanding and time consuming, especially as to whether and where exactly one beer sticks out from the masses. In this short list we want to provide sales staff and other professionals in short with the key arguments that speak for our Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier.

1. Schlenkerla is a brewery AND a malting operation. This was the standard configuration in brewing craft until the industrial revolution some 200 years ago. Today only very few breweries malt themselves anymore.

2. The malting technique at Schlenkerla is historic. Our smoke malt is kilned directly over an open wood fire. The hot air from the fire dries the malt and as a side effect smokes it. Until the invention of modern malting systems in the 18th century with heat exchangers running on coal, oil or gas, our method was THE standard. As the new industrial form of malting was much more cost efficient, the smoke kilns everywhere were closed down. Not so at Schlenkerla and hence our smoke malting has centuries of continuous history.

<3>. Schlenkerla Rauchbier is one of the last traditionally made smokebeers, whereas the smokey beers of modern craft breweries are usually made with industrially produced and then afterwards smoke flavored malts. As of 2017 there are only two breweries left in the world (both in Bamberg) that malt & brew Rauchbier the traditional way, hence SlowFood® has made Schlenkerla Rauchbier a passenger in its “Ark of Taste”.

4. Schlenkerla, the historic smoked beer brewery. Not only the malting is ancient, but all relevant other elements of the production are as well. We brew in copper kettles using the old form of “decoction mashing”. Fermenting and lagering are still two separate steps in our brewing process. Lagering and maturation happen in hand caved rock cellars from 14th century below the brewery. Gravity pouring in our brewery tavern is done from traditional wooden barrels.

5. Schlenkerla Rauchbier is regarded as THE classic example of the smoked beer category.

6. Schlenkerla is run in the 6th family generation and was first documented back in 1405.

7. In sum: Schlenkerla Rauchbier is a sip of beer history. Drinking a Schlenkerla is like a small time travel. We are a living fossil from a brewing world that existed centuries ago.

beech wood for kiln/ open fire kiln / copper brewhouse / 14th century rock cellars / wooden barrels

Further reading:
Smoked Beer Description: http://www.schlenkerla.de/rauchbier/beschreibunge.html
Smoked Beer Brewing: http://www.schlenkerla.de/rauchbier/prozess/prozesse.html
Smoked Beer History: http://www.schlenkerla.de/rauchbier/geschichtee.html
Schlenkerla Overview: http://www.schlenkerla.de/schlenkerla/ausschank/schlenkerlae.html
Schlenkerla Chronicle: http://www.schlenkerla.de/schlenkerla/chronik/chronike.html
Beer and brewing history in general: http://www.brauerstern.de/indexe.html
Schlenkerla, the historic smoked beer brewery
Dominikanerstrasse 6, 96049 Bamberg, Germany, Tel:+49 (951) 56060, www.Schlenkerla.com

ETA: in stock

Related Producers: Brauerei Heller-Trum/ Aecht Schlenkerla,

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